In addition to books and a podcast series, LuMens has also organized a book presentation event several times. A gathering of beautiful human beings in order to connect, listen to inspiring talks and enjoy beautiful live music. And this at a fantastic location.
Obviously I also record these events, so that the experience can somewhat be shared with everyone who wasn't there in real life.
live events
The podcast series works as an audiovisual extension of the books that LuMens publishes. There will be five in total, each with its own theme linked to the main vision. LuMens believes that every human being wants to live in peace, love and joy. However, the worldwide ever-increasing expression of duality causes more imbalance and struggle to be experienced in the world. As a result, there is an increasing need for change, unity and renewed direction. Through consciousness-expanding podcast episodes, and also articles, LuMens wishes to contribute to transcending duality in both people and the world.
vision of LuMens, I knew it; this was meant to be. Cause with my matching vision and natural interest in the evolution of consciousness, this was a match made in heaven.
Beginning of 2022 I received a voice message from Ferdinand van der Neut, initiator of LuMens. How I would feel about taking care of filming and editing a new video podcast series; the 'Tijdboek LuMens video podcast'. Ferdinand's message immediately got me enthusiastic and after some further research into the mission &
In the beginning of 2022 I received a voice message from Ferdinand van der Neut, initiator of LuMens. How I would feel about taking care of filming and editing a new video podcast series; the 'Tijdboek LuMens video podcast'. Ferdinand's message immediately got me enthusiastic and after some further research into the mission & vision of LuMens, I knew; this was meant to be. Cause with my matching vision and natural interest in the evolution of consciousness, this would be a match made in heaven.
LuMens video
Wanna see another project?