Wanna see another project?
In 2022 Lorie also released her fascinating book 'The Divine Design', about the history of earth's and humanity's evolution in consciousness. As part of her European book tour she visited my hometown Amsterdam in the beginning of this year. Obviously this was the perfect moment for us to finally meet each other in real life.

I thought it would be interesting to create a short documentary based on her three-day stay in the Dutch capital city. I knew it would be a tough job since her agenda was already packed. With in particular; three events in 72 hours. One as a guest speaker and two as part of her own book tour. Since I would also help her with these events, I had to utilize all the remaining moments as best as possible to record this special experience and also interview her myself. The result can be watched above in the mini documentary; 72 hours with Lorie Ladd.
Her weekly videos inspired me a lot and I remember thinking; I would love to work with her one day. Be careful what you wish for, because that became reality in early '22 when Lorie was looking for a video editor. She told me that she felt that we should work together. And of course, that's what we started doing.
Her weekly videos inspired me a lot and I remember thinking;
I would love to work with her one day. Be careful what you
wish for, because that became reality in early '22 when Lorie
was looking for a video editor. She told me that she felt that
we should work together. And of course, that's what we started doing.
Lorie Ladd is an American women that I saw passing by on social media in 2020. Her deep impactful messages about the evolution of consciousness, but also the way in which she clearly and concretely shares her vision and experiences, resonated with me immediately.

72 hours with Lorie Ladd

Below you can watch the trailer of the documentary.
© 2023 Joe's Flow
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  • Joey Baeten
  • joeybaeten@gmail.com
  • +31 6 4209 9464
  • KvK: 71552197